David Leney

David Leney has been a member of the NITA family since 2013 focusing on business development from day one. This includes building relationships with realtors, attorneys, lenders and investors in both the commercial and residential real estate market. After a few years developing a solid base of partners and referral sources, David was promoted to Sales Manager and has taken the lead in recruiting, training and managing NITA’s entire sales team.

As a former seaman in the U.S. Navy, David is accustomed to structure and skilled in time management and preparation when it comes to sales. He also works well under pressure. But what David also recognizes is that despite the importance of a regimen, sales is about listening and navigating ways to meet each client’s unique needs.

“I started in the real estate business at a really tough time. It was either sink or swim,” says David and for someone who spent four years living aboard a submarine, the former was not an option. “Today, I am fortunate to share my knowledge and experience with a great team that has one shared goal – exceeding customer expectations each day.”